That's What She Said

Michael’s Goodbye

Tonight’s episode, a rerun of Part 1 of Michael Scott’s goodbye, had, unfortunately, limited employment law relevance.  But one thing did stand out — Gabe’s relentless pursuit (or re-pursuit) of Erin.

Gabe demonstrates well the dangers of office romances. Gabe’s inability to cope with Erin’s decision to dump him has Gabe hounding Andy to stay away from Erin. First, with threats:  “Stay away from Erin, I’m your boss,” and later with outright stalking of Erin as she walks into the ladies room. The only upside for Gabe is, apparently, the ladies room is not, as the name might imply, exclusively for ladies. As Gabe follows Erin in, out comes Creed, whom Erin does not seem surprised to see. I’m not sure this is a plus or a minus for Gabe, but it sure puts the office in danger either way.

Again, office romances are fraught with danger for employers. But at Dunder Mifflin, so are the restrooms!

1 thought on “Michael’s Goodbye”

  1. Creed walking out of a stall in the ladies room is a call back joke to a previous episode (seasons ago, i think), where creed states he pays dearly for the privilege of using the women’s restroom in a confessional scene; though the exact arraignment of his deal wasn’t said. This might affect Gabe’s only upside!

    Gabe’s actions aren’t out of line with his character considering that Erin once said she was only dating Gabe because he told her she had to since he was her boss.

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