Tag: interviews

What’s Behind the Ghosting Epidemic?

Halloween was full of fright and ghost stories, but there’s a different kind of ghosting that has employers and recruiters scared these days. In today’s competitive job market, the tables have turned in the recruitment process. With a record 33 consecutive months of job growth, it’s not just employers that are critically evaluating potential hires—talent […]

What We Learned Diversity Week

What We Learned From … HR Diversity Week 2023

We’ve enjoyed a full week of online events and digital resources around diversity, equity, and inclusion. As this year’s HR Diversity Week comes to a close, let’s take a look at what we’ve learned from the event’s discussions and resources. Monday Seat at the Table Podcast  | Implementing a Preferred Name at Work Join host […]

Reasonable Accommodations in Job Interviews

Question Are we required to provide American Sign Language (ASL) or English-language interpreters for candidates in job interviews? If so, who pays? Answer Not necessarily, but you are required to reasonably accommodate candidates with disabilities, including candidates who are deaf. Reasonable accommodations can include sign language interpreters but can also include written materials produced in […]

What We Learned From . . . HR Technology Week 2023

We’ve enjoyed a full week of online events and digital resources around HR tech. As this year’s HR Technology Week comes to a close, let’s take a look at what we’ve learned from the event’s discussions and resources. Monday Featured Article | Skills Gap or Waning Interest? Why Tech Leaders Can’t Find Talent (Part 1) Although […]

Never-Ending Interviews

For job applicants, the interview process can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. On the one hand, there’s the potential for a new job or even a new career. On the other hand, it can take days, weeks or longer to find out how the interview went and whether the applicant landed the job or even […]

Three Interview Questions to Avoid

When you’re interviewing a potential employee, the stakes are high. You want to bring the right person onto the right team in the right role, and which questions you ask can have a huge impact on the process. You’ve probably spent time tailoring your list to include thoughtful questions that will really help you identify […]

3 Elements to Keep in Mind with a 24/7 Recruitment Model

Recruiting has become a 24/7 process. To adjust to this reality and attract the best talent, companies must find ways to modernize their talent acquisition. Here are three items to consider along the way.


How Video Interviews Are Evolving to Drive Candidate Experience

The pandemic has turned even the most established and well-adopted systems on their head, and that includes hiring. Pre-crisis, the majority of organizations held interviews face-to-face, during which the candidate could get a feel of the physical workplace and managers could evaluate the interviewee according to nonverbal cues.

social media

Top Background Screening Trends in 2020

In 2020, employment background checks are trending toward increasing complexity, added controversy about screening social media behavior, and the need to ensure corporate compliance with important new laws that vary by state and sometimes even by city. Stay abreast of these changes to ensure your Human Resources policies are current and in the know.