Tag: American Economy

The State of Unions in the American Economy 

After years of decline, the organized labor movement has been seeing a resurgence, with attention-grabbing headlines making waves across various industries and locales. From auto workers to Hollywood’s glitterati, the call for better working conditions, fair pay, and respect in the workplace is loud and clear. However, this surge comes against a backdrop of declining […]

Only compromise will pull us from cliff’s edge

by Dan Oswald Have you ever been in a meeting where two executives face off, each on the opposite side of a critical issue? You watch the debate like you would a tennis match, with each participant knocking the issue back to the other side. As they volley back and forth, the debate picks up […]

Lack of trust was the main ingredient in Hostess’ demise

by Dan Oswald It’s a sad day for me. Hostess Brands, the maker of Twinkies, Ho-Hos, and Ding Dongs, is going out of business. While my midsection may not look like it, I haven’t had a Twinkie—or any other Hostess product, for that matter—in more than 30 years. But I hate to see them go. […]

The ultimate leadership challenge

by Dan Oswald The day after the 2012 presidential election, a colleague forwarded to me an interview with Michael Siegel, the author of The President as Leader. The interview was conducted by the Washington Post’s Tom Fox and centered around the top attributes of a great leader. In the interview, Siegel points to four leadership […]

A New Era in Business?

Those who know me best would not consider me a sentimental person. In fact, my wife would probably laugh out loud if someone suggested that I was indeed sentimental. But with my oldest graduating from high school in a couple of days, it has caused me to think about what work life might be like for […]